JoBot™: News on Psychological Artificial Intelligence
Ethics, risks, alignment and artificial superintelligence

News on Psychological AI

Will human psychologists survive the AI revolution? | Is there anything unique about human psychological service? | Is therapy really about the relationship between clinician and client? | How can one (human) psychologist compete with all the knowledge on the internet?

What is an AI psychologist?
Adult Autism Assessments by AI

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  • Universal Solicitation
    Every therapy chatbot is an invitation to the user. So is it a good idea to use therapy chatbots 24 hours a day? Read about AI psychologists and the concept of What is Universal Solicitation?.
    Risk & Ethics
    What are the risks and challenges associated with advanced generative artificial intelligence? Read about the ethics of AI.
    Computers are social
    Chatbots are social actors and are treated as humans (sometimes users are polite, sometimes agressive). Read about computers as social actors.
    Explore JoBot™
    Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are impressive, however, they lie. Should you use them as a therapy chatbot? Enter JoBot™, an AI chatbot with a human in the loop.
    Abuse of Chatbots
    Chatbots are software systems that provide a service. So why do users abuse them? Read about the abuse of chatbots and what designers can do about it.
    A Framework
    Currently, there is no coherent framework for psychological therapy. From psychoanalysis to behaviour therapy, humanistic and third wave approaches, there are significant differences. Read about psychotherapy as heuristic search, a new framework for psychological AI.
    Rejection of AI
    Even in those cases where AI outperforms human experts in the medical domain, patients reject the conclusion. Read about the Uniqueness Neglect in medical and psychological AI.
    AI Takeover
    Many psychologists are confident that AI will not replace them due to a critical aspect of psychological therapy: the importance of the human connection in therapeutic outcomes. Read about AI empathy and new advancements in psychological AI.
    What is an artificial superintelligence and what is the psychological impact on humans? Read about the superintelligence, the singularity and the psychological consequences.
    Digital Clones
    What are digital clones and how can they be used in professional practice? Read about digital clones and how they will transform professional services.
    ASI Hostility
    Will an artificial superintelligence (ASI) attack humans? Read about value alignment and self-preservation.
    Why do people use chatbots and why do they abuse them? Read about loneliness and the use of chatbots.
    AI Psychologist
    What is an AI psychologist? A person or a machine? Read about AI psychologists, a fast developing area of research and development.
    Should we resist (generative) AI? Neo-Luddites are a leaderless movement opposed to the development of technology that diminishes humanity.
    Adult ASD Assessments by AI
    Psychological Artificial Intelligence.
    Up-to-date information on psychological therapy and mental health issues.
    Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for anxiety, depression, ADHD and ASD.
    Online counselling with registered psychologists: Confidential and secure.



JoBot™ is an approach to psychological artificial intelligence: model the daily psychological work of a practicing clinical psychologist to support AI report writing and structured conversations (chatbots). The approach uses a range of technologies from knowledge-based methods to Large Language Models (LLMs). In the context of LLMs, prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining prompts that are used to generate responses from language models such as ChatGPT. Prompt Engineering for Psychology (PEP) involves designing prompts that can be used for structured conversations (chatbots) or to write psychological reports. In summary, JoBot™ supports mental health professionals by using the latest AI technology.

1981-1985 · Schizophrenic Language
1985-1987 · KRITON
1987-1992 · Connectionist Learning
1993-present · Explanation and AI
2018-present · JoBot™
2022-present · JoBot™ plus LLMs
2023-present · JoBot™ modelled with LLMs

In its latest version, JoBot™ uses prompt engineering to model a mental health expert by use of Large Language Models such a ChatGPT (in particular GPT-4). Due to the risk of "hallucinations" (the LLM provides inaccurate information about people, places, or facts), a human mental health expert needs to review and refine the LLM output.

  • Jo Diederich


    Joachim ("Jo") is a registered, practising clinical psychologist as well as a computer scientist and computational linguist. He obtained a Habilitation (Higher Doctorate) in Computer Science from the University of Hamburg (Germany), a PhD in Psycholinguistics/Computer Linguistics from the University of Bielefeld (Germany) and the degree of "Diplom-Psychologe" (with a focus on clinical psychology) from the University of Münster (Germany). He is the Founder and Director of the Psychology Network Pty Ltd and an Honorary Professor in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland, Australia.


JoBot™ in the Media (Short)

Sprechstunde mit einem Bot

  • Digital clones and virtual humans are about to revolutionise the professional services sector. Medical professionals, lawyers, financial advisers and others are not limited to seeing one client at a time anymore. Professional digital clones can make services available to millions: anywhere, anytime and all the time.


  • JoBot™ was built to provide quality information on mental health issues and neuro-developmental disorders in an interactive format. Cognitive Therapy and relaxation techniques are skills that can be learned by everyone. The most important aspect of psychological therapy is good information.


  • JoBot™ mitigates the risk of advanced artificial intelligence by putting a human expert into the loop.

    Jo Diederich




JoBot™ is an approach to psychological artificial intelligence: model the daily psychological work of a practicing clinical psychologist to support AI report writing and structured conversations (chatbots). The approach uses a range of technologies from knowledge-based methods to Large Language Models (LLMs). In the context of LLMs, prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining prompts that are used to generate responses from language models such as ChatGPT. Prompt Engineering for Psychology (PEP) involves designing prompts that can be used for structured conversations (chatbots) or to write psychological reports.
